Why Do Real Estate Agents Need Cover?

Experts In Insurance & Financial Services | Family Owned & Operated By Locals
Real Estate Agents give professional opinions and advice on people’s largest asset, their home. They also deal with large numbers of the public in their care at open for inspections. While potentially hundreds of tenants are living in properties at one time all under the effective care of their property manager. What could go wrong? Well lots can and that’s why they need to be protected.


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Insurance for Real Estate Agents Noosa

Professional Indemnity

Real Estate Agents can be protected with Professional Indemnity insurance for the following:

  • Negligence in rendering professional services
  • Breach of duty of care
  • Allegations of misrepresentation or of creating a misleading impression
  • Poor property management
  • Breach of statutory provisions in various laws

The complexities of buying and selling real estate and the role agents play in this game is huge. The influence agents have on parties to a deal is quite extraordinary, and that’s why being protected for making a mistake while you work is crucial to the longevity of your business in real estate.

Public Liability

With many open for inspections each week conducted by most agents, the risk of someone getting injured is quite high. Could you imagine a prospective buyer being asked to take off their shoes and then slipping down a stair case and seriously injuring themselves while they are in the home alone with the agent? Or imagine a signage board that belongs to the agent being blown off it’s pegs and onto oncoming traffic? While other parties may ultimately be liable, there are too many risks not to be protected.

Business Insurance

If any of the following sound familiar in your business, then a business insurance policy tailored for real estate agents should be considered:

  • You work from an office which you own, or rent and have contents and office equipment that belongs to you
  • You have data stored on your servers or is accessible by computers in your office
  • You hold the keys of client’s homes in your office and your staff have access to them


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